The Photography Sweet Spot
What is the photography sweet spot? In my opinion it’s a point where your photography becomes subconscious and almost automated. It’s when you no longer actively think about what button does what on your camera. Matter of fact you can use your camera blindfolded and it’s like an extension of your arm. You no longer need to actively think about light because you subconsciously recognise it and position yourself accordingly. You no longer actively look for compositional elements while trying to remember what you read or watched on YouTube. You simply compose. The sweet spot is when all the elements that now you might need to actively think about become automated and second nature. The only active thing you now need to do is to observe and be at the right place at the right time. When you see an opportunity you go into an autopilot mode immediately without second guessing your decisions. This is the sweet spot, the most enjoyable stage and one where your best photos will come from. How does one get there? Time and practice.
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