Photography Is Getting Difficult
This blog is for those who are a little further along in their photography journey; however, if you’ve just started, I suggest you still read it to get a glimpse of what’s to come. Also here are some photos from a recent day trip to Marbella.

When you get your first break and start coming back with photos you’re actually happy with, you will feel on top of the world. You will also feel like you can just walk out and easily get the shots you want. Everything feels effortless, and at times it might seem that everything you touch turns to gold.

Enjoy this feeling because it doesn’t last. Soon enough, the number of keepers will dwindle, and you might even finish three days of shooting in great light without anything to really show for it, as I’ve done this week.

Although there are a few reasons for this, one that I have personally experienced is simply finding the same sort of scenes boring. There are only so many times you can shoot a silhouette walking through a patch of light before it becomes tedious. So what happens next? Now, you start to make things more difficult by trying to introduce new layers, new subjects, or change things up entirely.

This, of course, will make photography challenging, and it only gets harder the further you progress. This is actually a good thing because if this process didn’t happen, you’d still be shooting the same subjects today as you did a couple of years ago. So, when you feel like photography is getting harder, embrace it, as it’s usually a good sign.

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